I see you made it past security..somebody's persistent! And at the perfect time, that shows commitment! Good thing is, we have been expecting you. You my friend seem like you have the chops!
Shall we get started? None of that fancy shmancy talk, just brass tacks! Let this portal work for you. If you haven't already, take a moment and think about what your immediate thought was when you clicked "Accept Invitation", perhaps you'd like to learn a thing or two about what classes we offer? Or sample some of our downloadable workouts that you could do by yourself? Perhaps you just needed an outlet, a space where you get to trade workout horror stories with folks just as passionate for fitness as you are. God forbid, start using phrases like WOD in your vocabulary! Oops, that's more than the moment you ought to have given a thought to all this!
Think you're cut out for this? Keep exploring...